LiHT Capital was born out of the desire to invest in dynamic innovative ideas and founders.

After spending close to two decades investing in a wide array business models, industries and management styles, we recognise that although cultures and geographies may vary, good businesses tend to exhibit similar attributes to each other.
However, our experience has shown us that behavioural and structural barriers can impede some founders, including diverse founders, in accessing adequate levels of capital, creating material funding risks. Our goal is to capture this misallocation of capital to propel above average returns at below average valuations.
Importantly, we do not see investing in diversity as having to choose between ideals and returns as it boils down basic efficient capital allocation for shareholders.
Our teams experience includes active fund management across global equities including the US, Europe and Asia regions. Our team is based between the United States, United Kingdom and Singapore which enables a global perspective while preserving the advantage of local networks.